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My biography
Agathi Arvanitidou was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. She studied Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She was trained at the Ludwigsburg University of Education in Germany.
She worked as a teacher at Greek schools abroad, in the DR Congo and in Germany. In Greece, she worked at Intercultural Education high school of Thessaloniki city and volunteered for military service with the Greek army.
Moreover, she has participated in scientific conferences and international scientific meetings. She has published articles in scientific journals, newspapers, and educational bulletins.
Latest Works

“Agathi, with a clear, direct and descriptive speech, through her own travel experiences, leads the reader through the colors of each place on paths of soul!”

“Great books, I read all of them, come from a woman with incredible experiences, who shares them with the reader.”

"Excellent description of Agathi Arvanitidou. Fast paced and very lively from the beginning to the end of her books."

I highly recommend Agathi's books as her writing talent is unique and endless!

Many congrats for all the new publications Very useful material for critical thinking and historical informations

Οι λέξεις παράγουν εικόνες και ο αναγνώστης γίνεται «ταξιδιώτης» σε μέρη μακρινά, γεμίζοντας συναισθήματα και πολίτιμες γνώσεις. Ένα εξαιρετικό βιβλίο της Αγαθής Αρβανιτίδου που χαίρεσαι να διαβάζεις, ένα μοναδικό ανάγνωσμα για όσους και όσες αγαπούν να ταξιδεύουν, έστω και νοερά.